• 54 videos
Blackway & Black Caviar - "What's Up Danger" (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)
"What's Up Danger" is the second single from the official soundtrack album Spider-Man™: Into the Spider-Verse, from the Academy Award-winning film for Best Animated Feature (2019). Get the song here: https://SpiderMan.lnk.to/WhatsUpDangerYD ►For more info on @blackway_music: https://instagram.com/iamblackway https://twitter.com/iamblackway https://facebook.com/iamblackway https://soundcloud.com/blackwaymusic ►For more info on @realblackcaviar: www.realblackcaviar.com https://instagram.com/realblackcaviar https://twitter.com/realblackcaviar https://facebook.com/realblackcaviar ►Follow Spider-Man™: Into the Spider-Verse: https://www.facebook.com/SpiderVerseM... https://www.twitter.com/SpiderVerse https://instagram.com/SpiderVerseMovie ►Subscribe for more: http://republic.re/subscribeYD​​​​ 👚 Get exclusive merch! https://shop.republicrecords.com​​​ 📬 Signup for news! https://republicrecords.com/signup​​​ 🎥 Watch our new artist vids! https://republic.lnk.to/HotOnRepublic​​​ ►Follow Republic Records: https://www.republicrecords.com​​​ https://instagram.com/republicrecords​​​​ https://twitter.com/republicrecords​​​​ https://facebook.com/republicrecords​​​​ https://triller.co/@republicrecords https://republicrecords.tumblr.com​​​ https://giphy.com/republicrecords​​ https://tiktok.com/@republicrecords​​​​ Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, the creative minds behind The Lego Movie and 21 Jump Street, bring their unique talents to a fresh vision of a different Spider-Man Universe, with a groundbreaking visual style that’s the first of its kind. Spider-Man™: Into the Spider-Verse introduces Brooklyn teen Miles Morales, and the limitless possibilities of the Spider-Verse, where more than one can wear the mask. Cast: Shameik Moore Hailee Steinfeld Mahershala Ali Jake Johnson Liev Schreiber Brian Tyree Henry Luna Lauren Velez Lily Tomlin Nicolas Cage John Mulaney Kimiko Glenn ©2019 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. MARVEL and all related character names © & ™ 2019 MARVEL #Blackway #BlackCaviar #IntoTheSpiderVerse #SpiderMan #Marvel #MilesMorales
Superfly - やさしい気持ちで (マイ・エレメントver.)
ディズニー&ピクサーが贈る最新作、火・水・土・風 のエレメント(元素)たちが暮らす世界を描く映画『マイ・エレメント』のオリジナル・サウンドトラックよりSuperflyによる日本版エンドソング「やさしい気持ちで(マイ・エレメントver.)」が配信中。 🎵試聴する Apple:https://music.apple.com/jp/album/yasashii-kimochide-elemental-ver-single/1693674833 Amazon Music:https://music.amazon.co.jp/albums/B0C9H7B8P6?ref=dm_sh_EQeRbfP6Fp8oElMdXeWRkZqE6 Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/album/4KOXgc6qhvbZaTAnLVzHmC?si=YJL3VPn0ReyMRv1Zrm844g LINE MUSIC:https://lin.ee/NWpVlcd YouTube Music:https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_m9gvIjIdiRR05LTdZIL8akE1VOVySDx4k&feature=share 『マイ・エレメント』オリジナル・サウンドトラック:https://www.universal-music.co.jp/disneymusic/myelement/ 【映画情報】 ディズニー&ピクサー劇場最新作。 火・水・土・風の“エレメント(元素)”たちが暮らすエレメント・シティにはルールがある。 それは、“違うエレメントと関わらない”こと――。 だがある日、父の店を継ぐために頑張る火の女の子〈エンバー〉は偶然、自由な心を持つ水の青年〈ウェイド〉と出会う。 ずっと火の街にいたエンバーは、彼と初めて世界の広さに触れ、自分の新たな可能性を考え始める。 「私の本当にやりたいことって…?」 そんな時、シティを揺るがす事件が…。正反対の〈火〉と〈水〉のふたりは、 “奇跡の化学反応”でこの危機を救えるのか? 日本公開日:8月4日(金)劇場公開 映画公式HP:https://www.disney.co.jp/movie/my-element DisneyMusicJapanVEVOにチャンネル登録してディズニー音楽を楽しもう♪ 登録はこちら: https://www.youtube.com/disneymusicjapanvevo 【Music SNS】 ディズニー・ミュージック公式Twitter:https://twitter.com/disneymusicjp Music video by Superfly performing やさしい気持ちで (マイ・エレメントver.). © 2023 Walt Disney Records/Pixar http://vevo.ly/X8gPN5
Peaches (Super Mario Bros. Movie) [REMIX]
I had to do it to em. 🍑 Listen on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/videogameremixes/the-super-mario-bros-movie-peaches-vgr-remix As soon as this track came out I knew it had to be given the VGR treatment! Hope you enjoy it~ Bowser animation by Steve Gregson! Twitter: https://twitter.com/roboticsteve CREDITS “Peaches” (from The Super Mario Bros. Movie) by Jack Black as Bowser. Written by Jack Black, Aaron Horvath, Michael Jelenic, Eric Osmond & John Spiker  Listen to more of my music!🎧 ►Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3pCoHlohSNQdXBNDxuWd12?si=8H2NaZwuQ2WP0QXdvRkZ0Q ►SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/videogameremixes Follow me on social media! ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/VGRemixes ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/videogameremixes ►Discord: https://discord.com/invite/AmGuUpb #SuperMarioMovie #Peaches
Mega Man X4 - Makenai Ai Ga Kitto Aru [負けない愛がきっとある]
Peaches - The Super Mario Bros. Movie OST (Instrumental)
This is a instrumental version of this movie when it was released date in April 5, 2023. And it was made by jack black. UPDATED: 5/20/2023: Thank you guys for giving me a popular, Also! I hope you guys could make a new Twin towers in Bratislava which is World Trade Center Remastered, I hope you can see thumbnail before you can make a new architect.
AMV16-Highschool of the Dead[Cold Bullet Blues]
THIS VIDEO IS PURELY FAN-MADE AND IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH THE MUSICAL ARTIST OR ANIME COMPANY IN ANY WAY. A great bloody anime,There's not much like this one,It's like dawn of the dead but an anime involving school kids.It was freaking awesome.
YOASOBI「アイドル」 Official Music Video
Streaming & Download : https://orcd.co/yoasobi_idol Music : Ayase (https://twitter.com/ayase_0404) Vocal : ikura (https://twitter.com/ikutalilas) Background Chorus English Lyrics:Konnie Aoki Background Chorus:Ebony Bowens, Chloe Kibble, Marista Stubbs, Imani J. Dawson, Kyte, Lyle Carr, Andrew Soda Background Shouts:REAL AKIBA BOYZ (https://www.youtube.com/@realakibaboyz ) 原作小説「45510」(赤坂アカ 著) 4/12(水)24時30分同時公開 https://youngjump.jp/oshinoko/novel_45510/ ○TVアニメ『【推しの子】』オープニング主題歌 2023年4月12日(水)よりTVアニメ放送開始! https://ichigoproduction.com/ <INTRODUCTION> 「この芸能界(せかい)において嘘は武器だ」 地方都市で働く産婦人科医・ゴロー。 ある日"推し"のアイドル「B小町」のアイが彼の前に現れた。 彼女はある禁断の秘密を抱えており…。 そんな二人の"最悪"の出会いから、運命が動き出していく―。 ©赤坂アカ×横槍メンゴ/集英社・【推しの子】製作委員会 ○インスト音源はこちら https://piapro.jp/t/KQn0 ○YOASOBI初のアリーナツアー「YOASOBI ARENA TOUR 電光石火」追加公演決定! 6月23日(金)・24日(土)@神奈川県・ぴあアリーナMM https://www.yoasobi-music.jp/news/551184 -- 無敵の笑顔で荒らすメディア 知りたいその秘密ミステリアス 抜けてるとこさえ彼女のエリア 完璧で嘘つきな君は 天才的なアイドル様 今日何食べた? 好きな本は? 遊びに行くならどこに行くの? 何も食べてない それは内緒 何を聞かれても のらりくらり そう淡々と だけど燦々と 見えそうで見えない秘密は蜜の味 あれもないないない これもないないない 好きなタイプは? 相手は? さあ答えて 「誰かを好きになることなんて 私分からなくてさ」 嘘か本当か知り得ない そんな言葉に また一人堕ちる また好きにさせる 誰もが目を奪われていく 君は完璧で究極のアイドル 金輪際現れない 一番星の生まれ変わり その笑顔で 愛してるで 誰も彼も虜にしていく その瞳が その言葉が 嘘でもそれは 完全なアイ はいはいあの子は特別です 我々は端からおまけです お星様の引き立て役Bです 全てがあの子のお陰な訳ない しゃらくさい 妬み嫉妬なんてない訳がない これはネタじゃない からこそ許せない 完璧じゃない君じゃ許せない 自分を許せない 誰よりも強い君以外は認めない 誰もが信じ崇めてる まさに最強で無敵のアイドル 弱点なんて見当たらない 一番星を宿している 弱いとこなんて見せちゃ ダメダメ 知りたくないとこは見せずに 唯一無二じゃなくちゃ イヤイヤ それこそ本物のアイ 得意の笑顔で沸かすメディア 隠しきるこの秘密だけは 愛してるって嘘で積むキャリア これこそ私なりの愛だ 流れる汗も綺麗なアクア ルビーを隠したこの瞼 歌い踊り舞う私はマリア そう嘘はとびきりの愛だ 誰かに愛されたことも 誰かのこと愛したこともない そんな私の嘘がいつか本当になること 信じてる いつかきっと全部手に入れる 私はそう欲張りなアイドル 等身大でみんなのこと ちゃんと愛したいから 今日も嘘をつくの この言葉が いつか本当になる日を願って それでもまだ 君と君にだけは言えずにいたけど やっと言えた これは絶対嘘じゃない 愛してる -- MVディレクター・絵コンテ・演出:中山直哉 編集:齊藤雄磨 ビジュアルデベロップメント・モーショングラフィックス:齊藤雄磨、山口駿 ロゴデザイン:lowpolydog 作画監督:平山寛菜 作画監督補佐:夘野智子、稲手遥香 原画:菊地奨之、室賀彩花、山本ゆうすけ、尾辻浩晃、秦ほのか、引口奈緒子、北村由佳、水野公彰、中山薫、福家いおり、米村雅人、松井怜、夘野智子、卓子意、沢田犬二、辻彩夏、TOMATO 動画工房作画部 第二原画:動画工房作画部 全後映、劉官林、中山薫、1110 動画検査:大原真琴 動画:大原真琴、小田道子、中山薫、米村雅人、松井怜 寿門堂 Radplus 色彩設計:石黒けい 色彩設計補佐:芦原明音 色指定・仕上げ検査:伊藤裕香 仕上げ:呉政宏、村田栞、真壁源太 寿門堂 Radplus 撮影監督:桒野貴文 撮影監督補佐:工藤康史 撮影:福岡由惟、塩野修平 美術監督:宇佐美哲也(スタジオイースター) 美術設定:水本浩太(スタジオイースター) 背景:スタジオイースター 平田卓也、今井公平、廣川翔一、山口琴実、宇佐美哲也 3DLO:渡辺悦啓、石橋涼介 モニターワークス:前田大輔(レイ) 制作プロデューサー:小林涼 制作チーフ・制作進行:増田拓朗 アニメーション制作 動画工房 製作 【推しの子】製作委員会 -- #YOASOBI #アイドル #推しの子
一週的朋友OP 虹のかけら
【AMV】Storm | Shin Getter Robot vs Neo Getter Robot (真ゲッターロボ対ネオゲッターロボ)
Storm | Shin Getter Robot vs Neo Getter Robot Storm Shinji Miyazaki Feat. JAM Project (All rights belongs to the original owners)
NO Serenity
Provided to YouTube by NexTone Inc. NO Serenity · JAM Project featuring 影山ヒロノブ 遠藤正明 福山芳樹 DRAGON Released on: 2004-04-21 Auto-generated by YouTube.
Toaru Majutsu no Index III Opening Full - 【AMV/Gravitation Lyrics】
►Anime Spoilers: Toaru Majutsu no Index III cap. 1-14 ►Artista: Maon Kurosaki ►Musica: Gravitation -Amv del op de Toaru Majutsu no Index III, espero lo disfruten, comenten y dejen su like -Amv of the op Toaru Majutsu no Index III, I hope you enjoy it, comment and leave your like ► MV Oficial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlzB65AUuCw Sitio Web Oficial: http://maonkurosaki.jp/ Twitter Oficial: https://twitter.com/kurosakimaon?lang=es Canal de Youtube Oficial: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6iYFwpTn1s2bgJgvIjdYQ Lyrics Romanji: https://www.lyrical-nonsense.com/global/lyrics/maon-kurosaki/gravitation/ Canal Segundario/Second channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCy2w0DL8iSxEl1aJ2zL8nLA ►Video editing: Jaime Senpai ► Programs: Filmora X, AegiSub ► Languages: English, Japanese, Spanish - Todos los materiales utilizados en este video son solo para fines de entretenimiento, y los derechos de autor pertenecen al creador original. #toarumajutsunoindex #Gravitation #MaonKurosaki
Gakkou Gurashi! - Harmonize Clover (Full ver.) (Wallpaper Engine)
Wallpaper Download : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1996329191
Busou Shinki Opening 1 HD
↑↑↑↑↑ Me gusta en el boton de alla arriba HAORA PONGO EN 720p PARA QUE LO VEAS MEJOR :) SUSCRIBETE!! :33
Darling in the FranXX ED 3 |「Beautiful World」by XX:me | iTunes extended ver.
ダーリン・イン・ザ・フランキス 8話 ED 主題歌 Darling in the FranXX Ep 8 ending / ED 3 | Beautiful World by XX:me | iTunes version / TV Size Darling in the FranXX Ending 3 ダリフラ ED ※itune 配信Ver. https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/id1350616900?app=itunes I just extend the intro to fit it with the iTunes version. After Effects + Premiere CC 2018. Images used: First groupal image in my Alphacoders profile: https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=905834 Second girls image in my Alphacoders profile: https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=899633 DISCLAIMER Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. This is a fan made (not for profit) video and the materials in this video are not related in any way to myself or each other outside of it. Please support the artists by purchasing their original works.
¡Advertencia de Copyright! Be aware this channel is only for promotion purpose. All music belongs to the original creators. Ten en cuenta que este canal solo tiene propósitos promocionales. Toda la música pertenece a los autores originales.
哀ちゃんとガーネットクロウが好き過ぎて。 哀ちゃんのMAD、先日新しく1本追加させて頂きました。→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=groQ-Q4FyoM ツイッター→https://twitter.com/MHF_nanase
Change! (チェンジっ!) - OP Anime "Layton Mystery Agency" FULL Version
hello... i'm back again, i'm just re-upload this music from OP anime Layton Mystery Tanteisha: Katri no Nazotoki File. this is a full song don't forget to support the artist by buy her CD album Lyric in Romaji: • yume ga kirakira shu-ra shu-ra gamushara ja dame ka na suteki ni naritai pikapika hikare ba ī tte mon ja nai kedo kagayakitai jan guragura yureteru yowaki na kokoro da tte kaete miseru kara majime na kimochi da yo “ watashi” o ima chenji! koete ike watashi wa mahō o shiranai keredo mo kimi to egao ni naru yūki wa motte iru yo kokoro no nazotoki kantan ja nai ne de mo ne yarigai nara kitto tobikiri da kodomo no koro ryōte o ōkiku hirogete wa tsukamikirenai kumo o kazoete naiteta yume ga kirakira shu-ra shu-ra gamushara ja dame ka na suteki ni naritai dokidoki dekire ba ī tte mon ja nai kedo tokimekitai jan wakuwaku shitai yo wagamama na kakugo de te o nobasu kara ne majime na kimochi da yo “ watashi” o ima chenji! koete ike umaku kurasu to ka kirei ni naru to ka naritai“ jibun” wa itsu mo senobi da na fu kiyō de mo hito-tsu zutsu ima o tsunaide tsutaetai koto wa tsutaetai hito ni ītai yume ni kurakura furafura kokoro wa itsu no hi mo kirikiri mai na no ujiuji shitetara kitto kōkai no ame ni yararechau kara watashi ga watashi o shinjite yaranakya hajimaranai n da na majime ni fumidasō “ kinō” o ima chenji! koete ike yume ga kirakira shu-ra shu-ra naite mo waratte mo watashi o ikinakucha zenbu o kono te de chanto unazuki nagara tanoshi mitai na doko made itsu made kawaritsuzukete motto jiyū ni naritai tomaranaide hora mata hajimaru yume ga kirakira shu-ra shu-ra gamushara ja dame ka na suteki ni naritai pikapika hikare ba ī tte monja nai kedo kagayakitai jan guragura yureteru yowaki na kokoro da tte kaete miseru kara majime na kimochi da yo “ watashi” o ima chenji! koete ike Source from : http://ilyricsbuzz.com . . . . Download link Full Album https://dbr.ee/uM9l
Layton's Mystery Journey Opening [VOSTFR]
Merci D'avoir Regarder ! :D Anime : Layton Mystery Tanteisha: Katori no Nazotoki (レイトン ミステリー探偵社 ~カトリーのナゾトキファイル~) Song : Change ! (チェンジっ!) Interprète : Adachi Kana Paroles : Mizuno Yoshiki [Ikimono-gakari] Compositeur : Mizuno Yoshiki [Ikimono-gakari] Arrangements : Tanaka Yusuke (compositeur), Ryussy (Kondou Takashi) #LaytonsMysteryJourney #LaytonMysteryTanteishaKatorinoNazotoki #LaytonMystery #レイトンミステリー探偵社 カトリーのナゾトキファイル #チェンジっ _________________________________________________________________ ❥ Discord ❥ https://discord.gg/j84MXUN __________________________________________ SUIVEZ-MOI : ❥ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/stesciexsweetie ❥ Snapchat : https://www.snapchat.com/add/darky.stes12 ❥ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lepetitmondedeStescie ❥ Twitter : https://www.twitter.com/Stescie
悲しみたちを抱きしめて ~ワンパンマン12話ED~ 歌ってみた【朱音15】cover
歌詞もメロディーもオリジナルの森口博子さんの歌も素晴らしいですねヽ(;▽;)ノ ワンパンマン最高です(´∀`*) 好きなキャラクターはタツマキちゃんです。 11巻まだかなぁ・・(´・ω・`) 通常EDの「星より先にみつけてあげる」も歌ってみました。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jODist2DYQ4
Asura cryin op full AMV
アキハバラ電脳組 『Birth』 奥井雅美 「カラオケ」
Cyberteam in Akihabara - karaoke versión Faixa: Birth Sin Vocalista 声楽家なし
Air Gear song (Back-On [Believer] ) plus Free Psn points codes (Ps3)
(Get Free PNS points here:http://www.psnpointscodes.com/?i=157127) Air gear is one of my fav animes and this song goes with the series, from band that make Air gear opening Back-On,best there is-Air-Gear_-_OP_-_CHAIN_[BACK-ON]_-_02_-_Believer
Always With Me - Spirited Away (Piano)
Title: Always With Me Jap. Title: いつも何度でも (Itsumo Nando Demo) Composer: Youmi Kimura Artist: Yuka Movie: Spirited Away 千と千尋の神隠し (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi) Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Background: http://www.shauntmax30.com/data/out/38/1276269-spirited-away-backgrounds-gallery.png (edited)
Tales of Eternia AMV Sora ni Kakeru Hashi
View My Full Tales of AMVs playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs1qBZl2qg2OQZ9NMt_MIIiSeJCHBaDkX KrystalKitty Blog/Web: https://krystalkittyproductions.wordpress.com/ This video was made for entertainment purposes only. Everything belongs to it's rightful owner. ---------------------------------------- ------------------ "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------ I give full credit to the artists and songs used in this video. I do not claim any of the material to be my own.
Evangelion but they all turned into fanta (With Lyrics)
You can activate the subtitles. Movie: The End Of Evangelion (Hideaki Anno, Kazuya Tsurumaki) Song: Komm, süsser Tod (Written by Hideaki Anno, performed by Arianne and composed by Shiro Sagisu) Links Movie: https://www.netflix.com/watch/60024788?source=35 Song: https://open.spotify.com/track/0DI3WNmIyfi2GZLQwhYDQC https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=rQiHzcdUPAU&feature=share https://deezer.page.link/Jcs2CdxyJLBUH8D59 I have raised the sound of the music a bit, leaving the other sounds of the voices and the film intact, just because I really liked the song the first time I saw it and I felt that this way the scene could be better appreciated. I hope it turned out well. Check my edits ! :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjKxuzy2CSE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMDG4HHT4dA&t=5s #evangelion #theendofevangelion #hideakianno
Konosuba opening 2 - Tomorrow
Kill la Kill FULL Opening Theme - Sirius - Eir Aoi
Kill la Kill FULL Opening Sirius - Eir Aoi TV Anime Kill la Kill Artist: Eir Aoi --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://myanimelist.net/anime/18679/Kill_la_Kill?q=kill%20la%20kill Anime : Kill la Kill Artist: Eir Aoi Songs: Sirius ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✓ PLEASE READ: I don't own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-made, and will not be used for profit or illegal sharing. I just upload this to share this great moment with the world. Thanks. ✓ Fair Use "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use" ✓Copyright Info: Be aware this channel is only for promotion purpose. All music belongs to the original creators.
Sword Art Online II ✧ Opening 3 full 「AMV」✧ Ignite ✧ [ HD ]
- Sword Art Online II ✧ Opening 3 full 「AMV」✧ Ignite ✧ [ HD ] - Eir aoi - Ignite SAO OP 3 //ซอดอาตออนไลน์ op 3 - Please Subscribe + Like and Share // ฝากกดซับกดไลค์เเละเเชร์เป็นกำลังใจด้วยนะครับ ________________________________________________________________
M.O.V.E gravity X initial D
fan made(initial d fifth stage)
Gundam 08th MS Team ED full
Gundam 08th MS Team Ending Theme "10 Years After" by Chihiro Yonekura
[무장신희] BATTLE MASTERS Mk.2 OP [자막]
Gundam ZZ opening 2 (Blu Ray)
The second opening to Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ The song is "Silent Voice" by Jun Hiroe
Kanjite Knight - Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z Hen Op
Ahora les dejo el primer Opening de la serie "Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z Hen" el tema se llama "Kanjite Knight" y es interpretado por "Ultimate LAZY for Mazinger"
かさなる影 - full ver. (covered by Ayako) 日本国内ブロック中!(解除されたみた)笑
2018/07/05 ニコニコ動画に投稿 ↓ かさなる影 - full ver. (covered by Ayako) http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm33475514 メモ 7月4日、YouTubeにて投稿から約1年8ヶ月で一部の国でブロック(日本) 7月5日、ニコニコ動画に投稿(非難) YouTubeの動画は日本以外では観れるようなのでそのまま放置 原因は音源だと思うので調整できればリベンジ投稿 Ayakoさんカバーから"かさなる影 - full ver." *こちらの動画は「音声&映像」を編集させていただいたAyakoさんによる*カバー楽曲の作品となりますので予めご了承の上ご視聴下さい。 編集に使用させていただいたAyakoさんオリジナル動画 ↓ かさなる影 / Hearts Grow (covered by AYAKO) https://youtu.be/JXtm0HhWHE4 原曲 : かさなる影 / Hearts Grow ↓ 詳細 リベンジ、様子見アップですが、よろしければご視聴ください 映像 かさなる影~OP&EDで使用された#76-#99の映像をピックアップ OP+その他の話からも追加 音源 かさなる影 -Instrumental-をミックス Ayakoさんボーカル調整 その他、細かく色々調整 かさなる影 / Hearts Grow (covered by AYAKO) https://youtu.be/JXtm0HhWHE4 お借りいたしました Ayako channel https://www.youtube.com/user/chippertyya ☆お知らせ☆ ☆Twitter☆ 彩音イロ。@aya_neiro_0406 https://twitter.com/aya_neiro_0406 あやこさんに関連すること等々を発信 あやこさんの歌声を大好きな方はお待ちしています☆ ☆soundcloud☆ aya-neiro. https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro 音声に特化した事をいろいろと試みます ↓ アップ曲リスト ↓  Last Christmas - full ver. (covered by Ayako) https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/last-christmas-full-ver-covered-by-ayako ホシキラ - Arrange Ver. (covered by Ayako) https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/arrange-ver-covered-by-ayako 約束 - full ver. (covered by Ayako) - オリジナル使用 https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/yakusoku-full-ver-covered-by-ayako 破滅の純情 ~Ayako Solo~(covered by Ayako) YouTube ver. https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/ayako-solo-covered-by-ayako-youtube-ver 天使の絵の具 - full ver. (covered by Ayako) ver.00 「超時空要塞マクロス 愛・おぼえていますか」 https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/full-youtube-ver-covered-by-ayako-ver00 ルンがピカッと光ったら - Extra edition (covered by Ayako) https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/extra-edition-youtube-covered-by-ayako 破滅の純情 - re-re-edit - (covered by Ayako) https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/re-remix-covered-by-ayako 天使の絵の具 - re-edit - (covered by Ayako) https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/re-edit-youtube-covered-by-ayako 破滅の純情 - re-edit - (covered by Ayako) https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/re-edit-covered-by-ayako-org-01 Aya - Neiro. Original Anime Mix (YouTube アップ素材) https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/aya-neiro-original-anime-mix-youtube-1 魂のルフラン - re-edit (covered by Ayako) https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/re-edit-covered-by-ayako-4 射手座☆午後九時Don't Be Late - feat. May'n (covered by Ayako) https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/dont-be-late-feat-mayn-covered-by-ayako いけないボーダーライン - re-edit (covered by Ayako) https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/re-edit-covered-by-ayako-3 一度だけの恋なら - re-edit (covered by Ayako) https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/re-edit-covered-by-ayako-1 一度だけの恋なら a cappella / ワルキューレ https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/a-cappella ルンがピカッと光ったら - original ver. - (covered by Ayako) https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/re-edit-covered-by-ayako ココロ - feat.鏡音リン - re-edit 02 Ayako, key ver. (covered by Ayako) https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/feat-re-edit02-ayako-key-ver-covered-by-ayako ETERNAL BLAZE - re-edit (covered by Ayako) https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/eternal-blaze-covered-by-ayako ルンがピカッと光ったら / Ayako & Freyja duet ver. (covered by Ayako) https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/ayako-freyja-duet-ver 星間飛行 / Freyja & Ranka duet ver. https://soundcloud.com/ayaneiro/freyja-ranka-duet-ver Ayako https://www.youtube.com/user/chippertyya/featured?disable_polymer=1
Asura Cryin AMV Not Alone (instrumental)
Plastic Memories ED (Full) - Asayake no Starmine
Single: Asayake no Starmine / Asami Imai [Limited Edition] I 朝焼けのスターマイン / 今井麻美 Track №1: Asayake no Starmine by Asami Imai Full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBhfO_A24a3q0ofFU72qefZXKpM5fluSI Published by 5pb. Records (distributed by Aniplex)
To love ru darkness opening HD
Dale like para mas videos Este video no es mio simplemente lo resubi para aquellos que deseen verlo, Espero que te haya gustado.
From the single Insight/Ledger. Performed by WHITE ASH. pls youtube don't ban me :'(
꼭두각시 서커스 OP [月虹] by BUMP OF CHICKEN
거 유튜브 다른 영상들 다 끊기고 노이즈 심해서 내가 직접 올림
Heaven is a Place On Earth
Provided to YouTube by massenext Heaven is a Place On Earth · fripSide Heaven is a Place On Earth ℗ Geneon Universal Entertainment. Lyricist: 八木沼悟志 Composer: 八木沼悟志 Arranger: 八木沼悟志 Lyricist: yuki-ka Auto-generated by YouTube.
Video unavailable - tK1LKW_lods
medaka box abnormal opening full
Artist: OxT Song: UNION Watch SSSS.GRIDMAN on Crunchyroll! https://got.cr/Watch-SSSSGOPED Crunchyroll Collection brings you the latest clips, OPs and more from your favorite anime! Don't have time for a full episode but want to catch up on the best scenes? We've got them! FREE 14-DAY CRUNCHYROLL TRIAL 🌟 https://got.cr/cc-14daysop #ssssgridman #oxt #union
Video unavailable - IMVH4bvG5GM
真ゲッターロボ 世界最後の日 HEATS Full
Shin Getter Robo OP2 HEATS
Staple Stable
Provided to YouTube by NITRON concepts Staple Stable · MONOGATARI Series Utamonogatari Special Edition ℗ 2009 Aniplex Inc. Released on: 2018-11-02 Arranger, Composer: Satoru Kosaki Lyricist: meg rock Auto-generated by YouTube.
Mobile Fighter G Gundam OP 2 - Trust You Forever (English Sub) [HD Remaster]
Mobile Fighter G Gundam 2nd Opening Theme Video - Trust You Forever (English Subtitles) [HD Blu-ray Remaster]
Gundam 00 Opening 04 creditless 60fps
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing - Opening 1 | Just Communication
Artist: Two-Mix Song: Just Communication Watch Mobile Suit Gundam Wing on Crunchyroll! https://got.cr/Watch-GWOPED The Revolution Has Begun! Mankind has moved into space. Thousands of people live on giant orbiting space colonies called "Sides." However, the Earth Government, which rules the colonies, is unjust and cruel. A group of revolutionaires builds five robotic weapons called Gundams and plans to send them to Earth to begin their fight for independence. Piloted by five young men, these Gundams carry the hopes and dreams of freedom of the colonists with them as they descend to Earth to begin Operation Meteor! Crunchyroll Collection brings you the latest clips, OPs, and more from your favorite anime! Don't have time for a full episode but want to catch up on the best scenes? We've got them! FREE 14-DAY CRUNCHYROLL TRIAL 🌟https://got.cr/cc-14daysop #GundamWing #Anime #Crunchyroll
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Opening (Creditless) (HD - 60 fps)
Artist: Yoko Takahashi Song: A Cruel Angel's Thesis ("Zankoku na tenshi no tēze") SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGK4MOyB0RMwNn0_qDss3w?sub_confirmation=1 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/theanimeguy531 FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/Anime-Guy-102100061730262 No copyright infringement intended. All content belongs to its rightful owners. For entertainment purposes only. Please do not take down. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. #anime #neongenesisevangelion
Provided to YouTube by ポニーキャニオン 君と未来へ · アン(CV:阿澄佳奈) · ヒナ(CV:茅原実里) · レーネ(CV:中島 愛) · アイネス(CV:水橋かおり) TVアニメ「武装神姫」Scenes from BUSOUSHINKI ℗ Konami Digital Entertainment/武装神姫プロジェクト Released on: 2012-12-26 Auto-generated by YouTube.
Owner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylyAX9pKRBo
  • 54 videos